Now that we’ve have got your attention…  A post from one of our friends on FaceBook has reminded us of a couple of occasions where face painting went wrong

1) the time Pauline went to a Hallowe’en party with all of the fake blood on her face, tried to remove it with a wet wipe and had to turn up to work the next day with blood stains still dripping out of her eyes. Oh yes- and the day after that. And the day after that! Stop laughing.
2) the time a friend’s son had to go to school all red all over because we’d painted him up as the devil – and then tried to get it off with a wet wipe.

Parents – If you use wipes “to remove the worst” of face paint – you are just pushing the pigment into the pores and are effectively “sealing in” the paint – yuk!
Instead – SOAP AND WATER and a nice cheap sponge! 

Here is the photo our friend sent us of her semi-permanent blooded hands!  You’ll be glad to know she got it off in the end 😉14590335_1697235927259423_1475638132656684283_n

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